Recruitment new member 🔥🔥

Hey !! Welcome back to my blog guys, how are u? I hope you all fine. Btw in this blog i will write a dialogue about recruitment new member of extra curricular program. Enjoy the blog 😊😊 !!

School name : Ritdha international high

🔐 Character Unlocked 🔓

Name : Noel
DoB : 18 December
Class : 10
Hobby : Play guitar
Part of 'our gang is so damn cool' gang

Name : Calvin
DoB : 15 January
Class : 10
Hobby : playing online games
Part of 'our gang is so damn cool' gang

Name : Pete
DoB : 22 March
Class : 10
Hobby : basketball
Part of 'our gang is so damn cool' gang

🔐 Geng Unlocked 🔓

Name : Our gang is so damn cool
Member : Noel, Calvin, and Pete
Since : day 1 they meet each other

Chapter one

One day in cafeteria

Pete : "Hey guys! We already passed the orientation. What club are you going to take?"
Calvin : "Idk. I'm too lazy to join any club."
Noah : "Hey! You must join, it will be fun."
Calvin : "Nah."
Pete :" I will join the basket club. How about you Noah?"
Noah : "I will join the band!! Yuhuu! You should go with me Pete you can play drums right?"
Pete : "Yeah but it's been a long time."
Noah : "It's okayyyy. You to Vin, join us!"
Calvin : "I can't play any instrument."
Noah : "Don't worry. They will teach you."
Calvin : "Yeah okay."
Pete : "Great!"
Pete : "Hey i think we should go back to class. See ya!"

And they go back to their class. After that Noah tell the guys to meet after school in cafeteria

Calvin : "Hhh. They late 10 minutes."
Pete : "Hey bro! Sorry I'm late."
Calvin : "Where is Noah?"
Pete : "He is not with you?"
Calvin : "No. I'm here alone. So what happened?"
Pete : "I think we should calm down. Maybe he is on the toilet." 
Calvin : "Make sense."

It's already 1 hour and they doesn't get any information.

Pete : "Oh my God. Why he doesn't reply my text."
Noah : "Guys sorry. I'm sorry, really."
Noah : " My battery is low. I don't bring powerbank. And I met senior there. "
Calvin : "They did something to you?"
Noah : "No, they just suggested me to join their club."
Calvin : "Ohh, I think you already dead."
Noah : "What?!"
Pete : "hahahaha."
Noah : "The senior offer me to join their club."
Pete : "What's club?"
Noah : "Band club!! I think this is a FATE !!
Calvin : "It was just a coincidence."
Noah : "Guys, fix. We should join the band club. See you tomorrow !!"
Pete : "He comes and go..  wkwk."

Tomorrow, 8 am in the garden school

Pete :" Wohooo, I'm first here. Where's my bestie go?"
*calvin and noah walk together*
Noah :"Ohooo, you first here?"
Pete : "Of course !!!"
Calvin :"Okay, let's go."

*our gang is so cool walking to see the clubs in their school*

Noah :"Look! There is a senior who i met yesterday."
Calvin :"Wow..."
(Surprised Pikachu face)

🔐 Character Unlocked 🔓

Name : Bratt
DoB : 27 December
Class : 11
Hobby : Made Music

Name : William
DoB : 21 February
Class : 11
Hobby : Singing

Chapter two

Noah :"Sawadeekrub...phi. This is my friend, Calvin and Pete."
Calvin & Pete : "Sawadeekrub phi."
P'Bratt & P' William : "Sawadeekrub."
P'Bratt : "So they're who wanna join the club right?"
Noah : "Yes phi."
P'Bratt : "Please, sign here."
*Our gang is so cool register band club*
P'william : "Thankyou forhfor joining us. you. I hope you guys are happy to enter our club."
Calvin :" I hope that too phi."

*The gang walk away and back to their house*

The next day

P'william : "Bratt, how should we do. To much people joining our club. Space and facilities here are limited."
P'Bratt :"let me see..."
*See the number of registrants*
P'Bratt :" Hoi! There's a lot!! We have to celebrate!"
P'william : "HEY! Stick to the topic."
P'Bratt : "Whegeg sorry. I think we should make an audition."
P'william : "That's good idea."
P'Bratt : "Before we talk about this, wanna some coffee?"
P'william :"Why not?"

/at sb*x

P'Bratt :"Okay I think we should make a simple one. But i don't want they who wants learn music eliminated."
P'william :"That's hard if u want that. What kind of register we should eliminated? It's the consequences."
P'Bratt :"We should made an audition not only the appearance that we value but the goals and desires as well."
P'william : "Ohh we also made a questionnaire. I agree."
P'william : "Let's do this!"
P'Bratt :"I will share this information."


Noah : "Why Phi text me?"
Calvin :"Just open it."
/In chat
Bratt : "Hey Noah can you share this to the other."
Bratt :" club will make an audition, if you want to joining please come to hall in Friday, 24 July at 3 PM. Thankyou."
Pete :"Owh bad."
Calvin :"I've told you that is not a fate look at this. I think i will not be accepted."
Noah :"Ohoyy, I will teach you guys.You must also learn the intention. Surely they will also see your intention."

2 weeks later

P'william : "Wow... They are so talented. I don't even know Pete can play drums."
P'Bratt : "He can but its been along time he just back training his skill."
P'william : "How about Calvin?"
P'Bratt :"He just learned 2 weeks ago."
P'william :"Really? How talented he is."
P'Bratt :"He even better than you."
P'william :"Don't bring the past."
P'Bratt :"HAHAHA I'm sorry."
P'william :"But, really I think we should recruit him. He just learned 2 weeks but the performance is not like people who learned 2 weeks."
P'Bratt :" Hmm I agree he has talent."

*Bratt and William keep discussing about recruitment new member of the club*

Do you think all the guys will graduatedto become a member? I don't know too but this is the end. See you on the next blog


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